The Construction Source

and I stand behind that firmly,” he adds. “Once we complete the project, if the customer has any issues, questions, or concerns, we address them. We stand behind everything we do. There are times where we’ve made mistakes for sure, but I can honestly say that we’ve always made those mistakes right by standing behind our work.” As a result of that ethical approach, Arnica Contracting has developed strong relationships with clients. In both the public and private sectors, many of their clients are repeat ones. On the public side, they keep winning those jobs by being cost-effective and leaders in safety and technology. On the private side, they receive a lot of requests for quotes and even some direct award work based on their reputation, which they have worked hard to cultivate. Arnica Contracting has also worked hard to foster a strong reputation among team members inhouse. Currently, they employ a team of about 18, many of whom are longstanding. According to Saxon, earning that kind of internal loyalty is one of the company’s main priorities: “Culture is the single most important thing in this company,” he says. “That is the thing that we are the most protective off and try the hardest to nurture and grow. We want people to want to work here. I’ve said this in staff meetings – if there’s a multi-employer worksite, if three or four construction companies all working on the same jobs they together, I want the other companies’ employees to see how we run, and I want them to want to apply to join us.” “We have a culture here that I’m super proud of,” he continues. “We’re a family-run business. I think THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA