“Our mixers are built to run,” Jay says. We have customers that do continuous pours of up to a thousand yards in a day. As long as they keep up with their regular maintenance schedule, their machine is going to run. It’s not going to break.” If there is a problem, Cemen Tech is passionate about getting it resolved as promptly as possible. Customers can easily set up a video call to talk about it by scanning a QR code on the rear of their truck or by calling their representative or service liaison. And if the issue can’t be resolved over the call, Jay says “we’ll fly somebody to you.” “Customer downtime is not what we want to hear from them about their experience,” Jay says. “So we definitely don’t let it last long if we can’t fix it on the phone.” As a result of their reliability and responsiveness, Cemen Tech gets a lot of repeat business. According to Jay, a lot of their clients “are very tentative at the beginning,” as it’s initially difficult to comprehend the impact that their mixers are going to have on their business. After experiencing the impact, they usually come back and add to their fleet, oftentimes within the same year. “We have a lot of customers that grow quickly in a way that they didn’t really anticipate,” Jay says. “We have customers that initially will think that one mixer’s enough only to quickly realize, no, they need more. And then all of sudden they’re buying two more, or three more, or five more.” Again, Cemen Tech helps facilitate those realizations by providing a high level of support and guidance. That support, Jay explains, helps customers to “avoid the tripping hazards out of the gate.” “If you know how and when to use the product, if you understand the mix designs that are needed to pour good quality concrete, if you’re coached on the ingredients or the spec type sand and stone to use in the mixer, then you’re going to get good quality concrete every time and meet spec. That’s what we train our customers to do. And once their customers experience the quality of the concrete being delivered, that typically leads to word of mouth and growth.” “We’ve seen that happen a lot over the past few years,” Jay says. “We’ve seen the business of a lot of our clients take off.” THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA