The Construction Source

Prior to acquiring Maxan, Dane came from a strong background in construction at the Flynn Group of Companies, a leading commercial contractor for the total building envelope space across North America. His grandfather started the first branch in Regina, and his father took over and grew the business to include 36 locations across Canada and the United States. “I had the benefit of a front row seat to what could be done in the construction space, and I saw there was an opportunity to do something similar with an interior systems company,” Dane explains. “From day one, the plan was to grow. This mindset will provide opportunity for the people currently at Maxan, as well as the people who will join us in the future.” Clint, meanwhile, originally came from an entirely different industry, but at 50 years old he decided to change careers and team up with Dane. He may not have had much experience in construction, but he knew people. “The success of just about every business I’ve touched comes down to people,” he says. That’s why his first order of business at Maxan was identifying the people he felt were ready to help the company take the next steps in preparation for growth. “One of the first things we learned when we took over was there were certain people we needed to keep and make sure they were on the right seats on the bus,” Clint explains. “Fortunately, five years later, the people we wanted to keep are still here, and in many cases, have taken on expanded roles.” The people they’ve retained, Dane adds, deserve the most credit for the company’s recent growth. “Any organization, no matter what industry, is only as good as the people within it,” he says. “And if everybody buys into the vision and if you SEPTEMBER 2024