NOVEMBER 2024 we’ll do whatever they like,” explains Ashley Bale, who does sales with the company. She also used to be the interior and exterior decorator for the company, so she knows a lot of the ins and outs of what goes into the builds as well as what works best. “The client might see a plan they like, but they don’t like where a closet is or the way the ensuite is laid out or how the basement is laid out, therefore we make some changes. They can customize the plan and make it their own. We’re very adaptable to people’s wishes. We’ve never built two houses the same.” Because they are so adaptable, Ashley adds, they tend to generate a lot of referrals and word of mouth, and they even get a lot of repeat work. In the nine-and-a-half years she has been there, she has personally worked with “a handful of clients” on their second and third houses. “St. Thomas, where we’re based, is a small town,” she explains. “If you do a good job, you’re going to get a lot of referrals. We definitely don’t do a lot of advertising, that’s not how we get our work. I think we just do a great job on our builds and that’s how our name gets out.” The quality of MP’s work is not only recognized by customers, however – it has also been repeatedly recognized by their peers in the industry, in the form of awards and accolades. For example, the company is a long-time member of the St. Thomas and Elgin Home Builders Association (STEBHA), which gives out the Golden Hammer Awards every year. “Even though we’re one of the smaller builders in the area, we typically walk away with more than our fair share of hardware,” Jesse says. Jesse emphasizes, however, that they are not