The Construction Source

For example, the company is now developing an online platform (DingDong.Guru Technologies Ltd.) that they will hope will increase confidence between all parties involved in a development project; the POI: Properties (and their owners), Organizations (that services those projects), and Individuals (who work on behalf of the Organizations that service the projects). By building more trust, through the use of Blockchain and AI, they hope to help the industry deliver projects quicker and in a more reliable manner. Recently, in a show of support for that initiative, the Government of Canada approved Admiral Development and Operations’ first Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentive claim in 2022, and the company is now on track to be approved for their 2023 claim. Additionally, Admiral Development and Operations is implementing the latest in BIM technology together with drone technology. According to Stanford, that will “help us increase efficiency in making decisions with higher levels of confidence in a timely and cost efficient manner.” It will also help the company gauge on a daily basis their progress. “How are we doing? Are we on track? Where do we need to tweak? What is working and what is not working?” With that technology, he says they will have the answer to those questions “Also, with the use of technology, and the systems to go with it, we minimize the need to depend on the human factor,” he adds. “Did they remember to do this? Are they going to show up on time? Did they make the phone call they were supposed to make to line up people for three or four days later? Did the RFI get followed up on?” Questions THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA