The Construction Source

actively recommend us to other people they know.” That network doesn’t just include existing clients – it also includes industry professionals including mortgage brokers, lawyers, and contractors. Those professionals also often recommend Martello Group. Warren says they are particularly proud of the reputation they have built among those industry players. As the company grows, however, Warren emphasizes that there are certain parts of their business they don’t want to see change. Most importantly, they want to maintain their approachability and responsiveness no matter how large they get. “No matter how much we grow, we still want to have a hands-on approach to all of our relationships – with clients, with tenants, with contractors, and with employees,” Warren explains. “We want to stay reachable and accessible. I think that’s another big reason people like working with us. I think that’s part of why we have such a great reputation. That’s not something we ever want to compromise.” Lastly – and relatedly – Warren says they want to continue fostering longevity among their team. Many team members have been with the company for over 10 years. Some have been there for over 20. Warren highly values that kind of loyalty, which he says is not typical in the property management industry: “That kind of longevity is incredible,” he says. “That generally doesn’t happen among companies like ours anymore. The typical tenure is two to three years.” “As the CEO and owner, I’m very grateful for that longevity,” he concludes, “and I’m very proud to have been able to build that level of commitment and family feeling among our whole team. Our company has been very fortunate in that respect. I recognize that and I never want to lose sight of that.” MAY 2024