The Construction Source

the course of his tenure, he’s worked in virtually every single role – he started doing administration and filing before moving on to accounting and then property management. He joined the family business full time in 2011 as a property manager before ultimately succeeding Wayne as CEO in 2018. Under Warren’s leadership, Martello Group has grown and expanded considerably. Today, the company manages approximately five million square of property with roughly 2,600 tenants. Roughly half of their portfolio is commercial – including industrial, office, and retail – and half of which is residential – including multi-family apartment buildings and single-unit investments. Their services include management, furnished rentals, commercial leasing services, and building operations. Since Warren took over, Martello Group’s strategy has also evolved. For example, he says they have become a “consolidator” in the property management space – by which he means they have focused on acquiring and merging with other property managers, particularly local industry leaders in markets outside of Vancouver. Since 2020, the group has completed eight mergers, and Warren says they are “actively looking for more.” “The property management industry – like the construction industry – is such a local industry,” Warren says. “To do it right, you have to be an expert in the area that you’re working in. You have to know what’s going on in a particular neighbourhood. You have to know what tenants there are looking for, you have to know what’s in demand. All that information is so local. You need THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA