The Construction Source

were large enough to be comfortable and that there would be room for common areas. “We wanted to take the residents into consideration as much as possible,” Agnes says. “We wanted to make sure the buildings would be appealing places to live.” The company also wanted the buildings to look good, Agnes adds. To achieve that aesthetic appeal, they worked with a designer they were already collaborating with successfully on another project. Together, they came up with a design that stood out while still being cost-effective. “You don’t want any two buildings to look the same but you also have to keep cost in mind,” Agnes explains. “Cost plays an important part in the design process – and the whole process altogether, of course. So we tried to come up with a design that was somewhat cost-efficient while still being aesthetically pleasing and slightly different than anything else on the market.” In the near future, Alta Nota is looking forward to executing that design and delivering it to their high standard of quality. It will be their biggest project to date, but they are confident they can do it because they have a great track record of quality and some great relationships with subcontractors and suppliers: “We have some very reliable trades. I would say 95 per cent of the trades we work with are trades that we’ve been working with for years. We use the same companies over and over. We don’t change trades year-to-year, we have the same steady guys. We’re loyal to them and they’re loyal to us.” MAY 2024