The Construction Source

in both markets, and to go wherever else their clients need them – ever since the company was founded in 1998, John emphasizes that their growth has always been client-driven, and he anticipates that will continue to be the case. As for the type of work they will be doing, John envisions sticking mainly to multi-residential, as that is where their team has the most know-how and expertise. “That said, we would do, have done, and are doing more institutional work,” he clarifies. “In the future, I expect we will do more of that. But we are not going to chase work just because we decide that is the kind of work we would like to do. Just like our growth, it is going to be client driven. If we have a client that wants to do something a little different, we are going to be here to help them out.” Lastly, John says, the company’s goal is to maintain their flexibility and nimbleness. He says they have room to grow and want to grow, but never to the point where they compromise what makes them special: “I think growth is good, I think being a larger company is good and has some nascent benefits in terms of the style of work we can do, but we don’t want to become an organization that takes on too much of a corporate profile,” he concludes. “We do not want to create the bureaucracy that comes with being too large of an organization. That does not fit with the culture we want to promote internally. As principals, we want to stay accessible to all the people who work here and be accessible to our clients.” MAY 2024