The Construction Source

“We’ve always tried to be part of providing the solution for our clients,” he explains. “We provide them with the know-how to actually execute what they are trying to do. That is an important part of the service we provide.” “We provide a lot of knowledge and input, and that’s very important in terms of project development,” he adds. “We are able to come up with solutions for our clients – that’s something we’ve done quite well over the years. That is a big part of why we have had so many clients return to us.” John emphasises that they provide that knowledge and input at all stages of a project – before design, during design, and even after design. “Once projects go into construction, it’s very important to us that we provide information and answer questions in a timely manner,” John says. “We’re willing to work closely with contractors throughout the entire process.” “Within our industry, I believe we have always been thought of and known as being ‘easy to work with’ and ‘contractor friendly,’” he adds. “What this means is we are open to different ideas and open to solving problems in different ways. We are not dismissive to what a contractor might propose. If they have an idea for how to do something differently, if they think it might be more cost effective or quicker to build something in a different manner, then we are willing to look at that and work with them constructively.” In the world of structural engineering, that kind of openness is not as common as it should be. In John’s view, that’s not because people are closed off consciously – instead, he believes it MAY 2024