The Construction Source

recognize the importance of continuous improvement to growth. Neither man believes the company to be perfect, nor do they believe it ever could be: “There are always ways to improve. We can never say we’re doing everything as best as we can do it. There are always ways to improve the customer experience, to become more efficient, to communicate better. That’s what we’re doing now, we’re figuring out how to get better. The way we do things is evolving.” Dwayne personally welcomes that evolution, and he commends Mitchell and Jeremy for making it a priority: “I felt for a long time that even though we did a great job, we were in a little bit of a bubble. We were very comfortable where we were and we were very good at what we did, but we probably didn’t have the same potential for growth that we have now. And that potential is exciting. I think this company could potentially double in size in the next 10 years.” MAY 2024