The Construction Source

employ installation and service teams, so they can also help clients install their systems and then help keep them operational for years or decades to come. “It’s a full meal deal,” Dwayne says. “We do everything from designing the system on paper, to installing the system, to servicing the system for the next 25 years.” Over the years, Stor-it Systems’ clients have responded extremely positively to that full service offering, as reflected in the company’s impressive history of repeat business. According to Dwayne, many of their clients go back decades and a lot of their relationships are multi-generational. In fact, he says they are still working with some of the clients that Frank Setchell made handshake deals with 40 years ago. “Some of the major players in Atlantic Canada we have been working with from the beginning,” Dwayne says. “We still have strong relationships with those companies because we represent quality products and we bend over backwards to service them.” Many of Stor-it Systems’ relationships with manufacturers are just as longstanding. Most of those manufacturers are based in Canada, and that locality has always been important to the company. “About 10 years ago, a lot of companies in our industry decided to start importing product, getting it as cheap as possible, and then selling that product in volume,” Dwayne says. “We never jumped on board with that. That’s never been our business model. Those products are usually going to break down in a few years, and that’s not what we’re about. We’re about selling our clients a product that they’re not going to have to entertain replacing in probably the lifetime of their work there.” Dwayne says that the manufacturers they work with “have similar values to ours and similar outlooks on customer satisfaction,” and that’s why they get along so well. They also nurture those relationships by making an effort to visit their facilities on an annual basis, and their suppliers make an effort in return to visit Stor-it Systems’ facilities and occasionally go on the road with their consultants. “We work together closely,” Dwayne says. “We have a really good synergy with our vendors. That’s yet another one of our strong points.” THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA