The Construction Source

who are like me.” “I think everybody in our leadership group accepts challenges and prefers challenges,” agrees Nigel. “The more unique the project, the better. When we complete those unique projects, there’s a huge sense of pride and accomplishment.” That’s not to say the company wants to take on only unique projects, however – they are also happy to take on new builds where the primary challenge is to complete a large volume of work in a short amount of time. They enjoy doing a variety of projects, and they especially enjoy being there for their existing clients, on whatever kind of project they need electrical assistance with. “We’re going to continue growing and developing our partnerships,” Nigel says. “And we’re going to grow and develop alongside our partners.” Growing is important, Nigel adds, if only because it enables the company to provide new opportunities for their team members. They want to provide room for their electricians to progress into supervisory roles and their supervisors to progress into project management roles. They believe that providing those avenues for professional development is important for retention and culture reasons – but at the same time, they also believe it’s important to not grow too quickly. “We want to grow at a comfortable pace,” he says. “We don’t want to get to the point where we’re all stressed out and pulling our hair. We also don’t want to grow to the point where we compromise our quality and customer service in any way. But if we can grow comfortably and maintain our quality, I don’t think there’s a limit to what we can achieve.” MAY 2024