The Construction Source

Campbell, project manager. “And they know the quality we’re going to provide. They know what the finished product is going to look like. They’re not concerned that we’re going to cut corners. Our work speaks for itself and clients have seen that and they have come to trust us for that reason.” When it comes to showing up on time – and then delivering on time, which is something the company takes pride in – Chris credits the hard work and dedication of their leadership group, both in and outside the office: “It comes down to diligence with scheduling,” he says. “There’s a lot of work that goes in on the back-end just to make sure we have all the pieces in play to be successful on these types of jobs. We’re constantly looking at our schedule and our resources and reviewing if we need to re-allocate resources to different projects. That’s a big part of the puzzle.” Nigel also credits the company’s consistency to their team in the field. He says they are just as diligent, while also being diligent about quality every step of the way. He says it takes quite a bit of effort finding people that want a career, rather than it being just a job, but they have put that effort in and it’s paid off. “We have QA/QC walkthroughs that we do at multiple stages of a project – during the rough-in, during the finishing, et cetera,” he explains. “And if something does get missed, and if drywall has to be cut open, we’ll deal with that. Like I said earlier, if there’s an issue, we won’t run away from it – we’ll take responsibility and we’ll fix it. We rarely fall down, but when we do we deal with it, and our customers appreciate that.” MAY 2024