The Construction Source

Growing with clients As previously mentioned, Amplify Electric’s vision is to take on more larger-scale projects. Jared explains that they don’t intend to leave smaller-scale projects behind completely – and he emphasizes that they will always be there for their service clients – but he says the team is most passionate about the projects that challenge them and that take a while to complete: “The guys really enjoy doing the larger stuff, where they are going to the same site every day and get to see the job progress as they go,” he says. “That’s a lot of fun for them. They enjoy starting a big project from scratch, and then at the end they enjoy taking a step back and seeing how far they’ve come.” Moving forward, Amplify Electric hopes to take on more of those kinds of substantial projects, and they hope to grow as a result – but not grow too big or too quickly. “We want to sustainably grow,” Jared says. “We don’t want to take on more than we can handle and we don’t want to have to bring people THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA