The Construction Source

A Legacy of Expertise, a Passion for Innovation With over 25 years of experience, Lisa and Alex bring a wealth of knowledge to every project. Alex, a seasoned contractor, possesses an unmatched understanding of the construction process, ensuring every renovation is completed with precision and efficiency. Meanwhile, Lisa, a gifted designer with a keen eye for detail, excels at translating a client’s vision into a reality that surpasses expectations. Their company stands out at the intersection of designing, building and remodelling. Lisa’s design blends modern and timeless details to create a liveable, energetic home, where all elements of life flow into simplicity. She creates a home with soft and hard edges that makes it feel comfortable and inviting for years to follow. It’s not just a matter of getting to the finish line, but rather arriving at the finish line in a place her clients can call their piece of heaven. But AC Projects is more than the sum of its founders’ impressive skillsets. Their approach is deeply human-centered. They recognize renovation projects can be anxiety-inducing for homeowners. Lisa cultivates strong relationships with each client, taking the time to understand their needs, desires, and even unspoken dreams. Her empathetic and patient approach allows her to draw out even the most vague desires, ensuring the final design reflects the client’s unique personality and lifestyle. THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA