The Construction Source

The AC Projects Difference: Where Collaboration Meets Craftsmanship to Create Dream Homes For many homeowners, embarking on a renovation project feels like navigating a minefield. Frustrations erupt from communication breakdowns, missed deadlines, and a nagging fear the final product won’t match the initial vision. Alex Cappadocia and Lisa Assaly, the husband-and-wife team behind AC Projects, understand this all too well. Their company arose from a shared frustration with traditional construction’s inefficiencies, where contractors and designers work in their own silos leading to costly mistakes and disappointed clients. AC Projects offers a refreshing alternative. Here, collaboration reigns supreme. Imagine a world where your dream home emerges from a seamless fusion of expert construction and inspired design. At AC Projects, that’s not just a vision, it’s their core philosophy. They work hard to make the renovation process as easy as possible for their clients. MAY 2024