The Construction Source

Advertisement to do at Construction McVeigh. They don’t just sweep all day or cut firrings all day – they get to experience the whole process.” “That’s why people like being here,” he added. “They may end up having a specialty, but they get to do a little bit of everything.” And employees do like being at Construction McVeigh, which is reflected in the company’s retention. Some employees have been there for over 10 years. Others have been there for five or six years. Craig credited that loyalty to not just the engaging nature of their work, but also to the company’s commitment to continuous training. He believed that Construction McVeigh has a special team that really appreciates the opportunity to learn and develop professionally: “We do continuous training for the employees. We have an office space where we do online training. We strive to keep everyone up to date. The guys we have are into that. A lot of construction workers are not into continuous training, but our guys are and that’s why they’re so good at what they do.” THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA