Quality comes first Moving forward, the vision for Kal-West Mechanical Systems is to continue growing – though they don’t want to grow for growth’s sake. The plan is to grow alongside their clients, as they have over the past fiveplus years. At the same time, Terry says they will never allow their growth to outpace their capabilities. He emphatically states that the company’s reputation for quality will always come first: “Nobody likes to turn down jobs, and we don’t either,” he says. “But if we know we can’t deliver to the standard of quality that we have in the past, then we definitely will turn down work, as hard as it is.” With that said, Terry does believe the company has the capacity to do more than they are currently doing – and as Kelowna grows and more major projects come online, he believes the opportunity to grow will be there. “I see the growth continuing,” he MARCH 2024