The Construction Source

owns a company that does concrete repair and restoration, called ConCure Restoration Inc. “We have the unique ability to be able to do our research and development with our products and test them immediately through ConCure. We are able to know how it preforms immediately because they are laying and testing our products daily. If they discover something that needs to be adjusted, we can take it directly to our Terrafuse team and they can resolve or improve it right away. We provide acid-based chemistry with a solution-based approach.” Mike explains that because they don’t have to work with a third party, getting changes incorporated into their products is much quicker for them than for other manufacturers. They can take what they’ve observed on-site, run it through the lab, and then take an improved product back to the job. He points out that being innovative in an industry that is typically slow to change has also contributed to their success. Unlike the technology field, for instance, where phones and televisions are changing every year, Mike says companies in the concrete industry have been using the same products for decades. That means Terrafuse Inc. stands apart for their willingness and eagerness to evolve. “It’s like some industries are immune to improvement with people saying, ‘You’ll never improve. This is the only way to do it,’ whereas we came out saying, ‘There’s always a better way to do things.’” “We’re lucky in that innovation in our industry is very slow. The polyaspartic technology is well over 20 to 30 years old, but people still see it as new compared to epoxy. Because the industry moves slow, that gives us time to innovate and introduce our products.” MARCH 2024