The Construction Source

epicenters. Again, Brandon says, the response to that program has been extremely positive. As of late last year, he estimates that about 1,000 learners had gone through the program, and the reviews were glowing: “The response actually surprised us,” he says. “We knew it would be fun and engaging and attractive to youth, in particular, but we didn’t know or anticipate was that people of all ages would take to it.” “Going in, we were concerned that people who weren’t familiar with technology would just oppose it,” he elaborates. “But that didn’t really happen. Once they put the headset on and identified the controls, they said it felt organic and natural and they took to it almost immediately. The feedback was ‘I can’t believe how real it feels.’” “We didn’t do anything drastic to achieve that,” he continues. “We didn’t do anything like push people off a ledge and make them feel the sense of falling – which is a gimmick in VR that can actually make you sick, and we were actually very cognizant of that. But we did make sure the experience felt real. We do bring learners into elevation. They can look out and look down. There’s a guard rail, and it was funny, because we could see people reaching for the guard rail and holding it as they took in the view.” Since completing the ‘Construction Hazard Awareness’ course in 2022, Hinton Scaffold has also created a ‘Scaffold Builder’ program, which takes new learners through the steps of building a system-style scaffold. That program teaches THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA