The Construction Source

that belong to the city – those are the projects we want to orient ourselves more towards.” Lastly, Philip says the firm is open to growing, but they don’t want to grow too big. As of this year, they are a team of eight, with four partners and four employees. They are open to being a team of between 10 and 20, but they don’t want to be any larger than that. “What we’re already noticing is, as partners, we delegate more of our tasks, we’re less involved in our projects than we were before when it was just us four,” Philip says. “So it’s hard for me to imagine being a firm with a lot more employees. I don’t see us ever having 100 people, or even 50 people. I don’t think that’s where we want to go. I think we want to remain relatively small.” “That being said, it’s fun to have a team,” he adds. “I think having a team has added a lot of value to our company. We’ve been able to take on more work. We’ve been able to incorporate different experiences and fresh points of view and new ideas. I think there have been a lot a lot of advantages.” “We want to stay at a size where we can retain those advantages, but we can still be very much involved in our projects as partners,” he concludes. “That’s the sweet spot for us, and I think we’re well on our way to getting there.” JUNE 2024