The Construction Source

proven to be environmentally-friendly, antibacterial, and to prevent mould growth. As a company, they exemplify the kind of product quality and customer commitment that Ivy Studio looks for in all their supply partners. Currently, in collaboration with those kinds of partners, Ivy Studio is working on some of their most challenging and significant projects yet. The aforementioned MR-63 project is a prime example. Another example is their current work on a ground up 10-unit residential building, which they have been working on for several years, with construction finally commencing earlier this year. “That was a pretty complex project in terms of permitting with the city,” Philip explains. “It started out as two lots. One lot was empty and one lot had an old building, and the municipality considered that building a historical building. But the building was in really bad shape and it didn’t actually have any historical significance. We had to work with engineers and provide historical analysis in order to convince the city that it had to be demolished, that there wasn’t anything else that could be done with it. That took a very long time.” “Aside from that, merging two lots is pretty complex in itself,” he adds. “Getting approval for that goes all the way to the federal government. That also took a long time.” “Then once we had everything approved, we had to get the actual design done, and it turned out that was pretty new to all of us. All four partners here are architects, but we don’t have that much experience in terms of new build multi-residential buildings. There was a bit of a learning curve for THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA