The Construction Source

Ivy Studio is a Montreal-based one-stop-shop creative firm that specializes in architecture and interior design. Since forming only six years ago, they have won a long list of industry awards and accolades, and they have built a reputation in the city for their unique collaborative approach, which – according to Philip Staszewski, one of the founders and partners of the company – “challenges industry standards in order to create highly personalized spaces that are uniquely tailored to meet the needs and visions of the client.” Philip runs Ivy Studio alongside Guillaume Riel, David Kirouac, and Gabrielle Rousseau. All four partners originally met in 2010, when they were studying architecture at Laval University in Quebec City. After graduation, each went their separate ways and spent years earning experience in well established firms. Around 2015, Philip teamed back up with Gabrielle and together formed a company called Obiekt, which made minimalist decor objects. They ended up selling their wares through an e-commerce company called C’est Beau, and then ended up designing C’est Beau’s brick-and-mortar location in downtown Montreal. Their design of that location earned them some attention and acclaim, and other Montreal Montreal shop owners and restaurateurs started reaching out. In March of 2018, Philip parlayed that momentum into forming Ivy Studio. Gabrielle followed a few months later. David and Guillaume then joined in 2019. According to Philip, when all four of them came back together, that’s when “Ivy really started being what it is today.” JUNE 2024