The Construction Source

is to make room for those people within the city. “As much as we also want to grow our city with young families, we also would like to see those retirement couples coming our way,” Denise says. “We’d like them to stay and live out their golden years here.” In an era where remote work is on the rise, Swift Current is also emerging as an oasis of opportunity. Mayor Bridal says, “We’re trying to get the word out about everything we have to offer. We want people to know that we’re a nice, safe city – we’re a place where people enjoy living, where they can build something stable, where they can see themselves in 10, 20, or 30 years.” With its affordable housing, spacious yards, and unparalleled quality of life, the city beckons to those seeking a balanced lifestyle amidst natural beauty and urban convenience – and there is a five-to-seven minute commute to anywhere in the city. As Denise aptly puts it, Swift Current is “not just a place to live—it’s a place to thrive.” In other recent development news, Swift Current owns and operates the South Munro Industrial Park, and last year they approved the sale of an industrial lot in that park to Brovac Mobile Vacuum Services. Brovac is now in the final stages of moving into their new location on that lot. “We still have a good selection of available land ready for development by industry,” Denise says. “We’re ready for that development to happen. But we’re not just going to sit here and wait for others to come to us – we’re going to get out there and THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA