The Construction Source

most rich and fertile land and world-leading research and agricultural manufacturing facilities, so they are a natural fit for companies in that sector. Other key industries with the potential to flourish in Swift Current are those centered around natural resources, and helium in particular. According to Mayor Bridal, the city also hopes to attract and retain more players in those sectors. Swift Current’s proximity to helium-rich areas, and opportunistic access to major roadways to facilitate efficient distribution, offers a compelling case for hosting a helium liquefaction plant. It has been recently suggested by the Saskatchewan Resource Council that a possible location for a mid-sized liquefaction facility would be near Swift Current. Meanwhile, when it comes to residential development, the city already has a couple apartment projects set to start in 2024/25 – one 81-unit development, and another 24-unit development. There are also some infill areas in the city with land that has been vacant for several years, and the city is actively working with potential developers. “We have some beautiful infill areas that we want to take advantage of,” Denise explains. “Some of these areas are in communities that are quiet, that are amid beautiful green space – they are great locations for housing.” These areas would be great for affordable housing, or seniors housing, Denise adds. There are a lot of outlying farm areas with farmers set to retire in the next decade or so, and their goal JUNE 2024