The Construction Source

Swift Current, the vibrant heart of southwest Saskatchewan, stands as a beacon of opportunity in today’s economic landscape. Boasting below national average unemployment rates and one of the lowest crime rates among cities in the province, Swift Current beckons with promises of security and prosperity. As the economic, cultural, and transportation hub of the region, it offers a fertile ground for both familial roots and entrepreneurial dreams to flourish. Mayor Al Bridal, a stalwart figure in Swift Current since making it home in 1980, underscores the city’s commitment to safety and its strong work ethic. “We are a very safe city, and people might scoff at that, but it’s important,” he says. “Swift Current is a very, very safe place to have children and raise a family. It’s a family-oriented city.” Another defining factor, Mayor Bridal adds, is “we have a great work ethic here in Swift Current.” He says that’s true of the residents who have been in the city for generations, as well as the newcomers – of which the city has an increasing population, as they are the most popular mid-sized city for immigration in the province. “So, for businesses looking to get set up, we have a great work pool to draw on.” His words resonate with the spirit of a community dedicated to nurturing families and fostering business ventures. Denise Wall, the city’s Business Development and Tourism Officer, echoes these sentiments, emphasizing Swift Current’s rich cultural tapestry and vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem. JUNE 2024