The Construction Source

Local experts Ever since the company was formed, Horizons Group has remained “laser-focused” on Windsor and Essex County. That focus is important, Li says, because he’s personally been in the development sector a long time, and he’s seen a lot of other developers falter by expanding too fast, too quickly, and too far: “To be successful, you have to be a local expert,” he explains. “Every area has different bylaws, different planning standards, the people there want different things – what works in one area won’t necessarily work in another.” “That’s why we’re focusing on Windsor,” he continues. “We’re experts in Windsor. We know the turf well. We know the rules and regulations. We can turn projects around very quickly. We can go from purchasing a piece of land to finishing a mediumrise apartment in less than 18 months, usually. That’s great for cash flow purposes, and we THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA