The Construction Source

Li says. “Nobody has built as fast as us before or since.” Prior to that, Li explains that there wasn’t much of a demand in the area for condominiums. Since the 2008 global financial crisis and the collapse of the automotive industry, the housing market in the region had been stagnant, but Li and Jason saw the potential for a turnaround. They saw property prices in nearby communities going up and they thought it was a good time to move in and build condominiums. At first, few others believed in their vision: “People were saying to us ‘Why are you building there?’” Li remembers. “They said ‘Nobody’s going to buy a condo in Windsor. Land is so cheap there. You can buy a house for $300,000, why would you buy a condo?’ There was a lot of scepticism at the time.” “But we marched forward, and we were proven right,” he adds. “Now the prices are so high in Windsor. It’s not an easy task to own a single family home right now. A lot of demographics can’t afford a new home – that includes first-time home buyers, retirees looking to downsides, even young professionals. They can’t afford a home, but what they can afford is a condo.” “We caught the wave of those people,” Li says. “We were in the right place at the right time.” Following the success of Eastside Horizons, they were joined by two local partners, Imad and Ayman, who were well-connected in the THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA