The Construction Source

Todd comments, “It starts with knowing what the right products are. You’d be surprised how many builders will look no further and just buy off the shelf from their local building supply store.” He continues, “We know what the right products are, we know what’s available, and we know where to source them. That’s half the battle.” He says the other half of the battle is assembling the right team to install the products – which Rivir Builders also knows how to do, and they employ many of those skilled tradespeople directly. “We have a labour force that knows how to get the job done properly. Along with carpenters we employ seam-fillers, painters and more. Having all those people in-house we can ensure a higher level of control of the finished product and guarantee consistency and efficiency across all our projects.” Todd emphasizes another aspect of work that is often underestimated: what lies behind the walls. From high-efficiency mechanical systems to comprehensive home security and seamless integration of smart home technology and lighting, he says that Rivir is setting new industry benchmarks. “These systems not only ensure the comfort and safety of our clients but also offer unmatched convenience. Moreover, they provide our clients with peace of mind, especially when they are away from home.” THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA