The Construction Source

Steady, sustained growth This year, Wiebe’s Steel Structures has already worked on some fairly large projects, and they have some more large projects in the pipeline. Currently, for example, they are working on a couple equipment dealerships, and they are getting ready to start working on a large foundry expansion for an international client. “This is typically a slower time of the year, but this year we haven’t experienced much of a slowdown,” Bernhard says. “We’ve got some fairly big projects in the works for this year. We’re on an aggressive growth curve for this year alone.” Moving forward, the vision for Wiebe’s Steel Structures is to seize that opportunity to grow – and to grow by doing “more of the same.” “We want to increase capacity by continuing to do what has brought us to this point – which is the install, and more recently, the supply and install of preJUNE 2024