The Construction Source

Making decisions together ALDG’s strength is in its people, says Claude. Currently, that includes 10 people on the administration team, three directors, twenty installers and six working in the factory. “Relationship wise I’m a very open manager. I don’t believe in topdown managing. Everything is in the team. We consider ourselves a big family and make decisions together.” This attitude has led to long-term staff retention. Three have been with ALDG since the beginning, and the company’s new factory director came over from another railing company because of the working atmosphere at ALDG. “We are very lucky. The team is amazing. They all have experience, and the newer younger hires bring in new ideas. We’re very fortunate to have such a great team,” says Claude. Moving forward, Claude’s goal is to continue fostering a great team environment, and continue earning employee loyalty as a result. Backed by his loyal and longstanding team members, he hopes to keep doing bigger and better projects. “The market in the next ten to fifteen years is high-rises,” he says. “Properties are getting smaller and the builders have to build up, not spread out.” As for the size of the company, Claude is optimistic. “My director of manufacturing says that this September, with the new equipment we are buying, we will be able to produce three and a half times the amount of product with the same staff. This gives you an idea of where ALDG is headed.” JUNE 2024