The Construction Source

Metro Glass than from companies in the US. “It’s a win-win for them. They’re saving money and getting a better product with a quicker turnaround time.” Over the years, all those points of difference have added up to some very longstanding relationships with clients. Many clients have been working with Metro Glass for 20-to-30 years and won’t go anywhere else. James says the company prioritizes servicing those long-term clients over attracting new ones: “We are taking on new clients but we won’t put a new customer ahead of a long-term client. We’re always going to service our client base that got us here first.” Internally, Metro Glass has also fostered some longstanding relationships. The company currently employs a team of over 30 people, which includes office staff, fabricators, and installers. James says more than half those people have been there over 10 years, with a few even longer. “We’re a tight knit place. The place started with small roots and we like to keep that feeling because what are you without your team? We offer competitive wages, and we take care of our people, period. This attitude means Metro Glass’s staff is willing to bend over backwards for the company – “because they know we’re there to do the same for them.” The family attitude extends to Metro Glass’s subcontractors and installers, who also tend to be longstanding. According to James, many of those partners have been working with the company anywhere from 10-to-25 years. JULY 2024