The Construction Source

who could buy him out. Other companies offered to buy him out, but their end game was to shut the place down to reduce competition. Cliff didn’t want to lose the family legacy.” When James took over, there were certain things he was mandated to keep the same, but the size of the company wasn’t one of those things. From the start, his vision has been to grow the business, and that’s what he’s doing: “Now I want to push the marketing and growth. I want to make Metro Glass a national product that will be sold and offered in the US eventually and compete with the big guys.” So far, so good, James says – the company has already increased their sales, and they are projected to sell even more in year two. “We’re in line to have two record years back-to-back. We are obtaining more commercial storage space to increase our stock base to service this growth. This growth is partly a credit to the quality of the product, says James. “Engineers and architects are recognizing our product is superior due to the insulation qualities.” He also partly credits their aforementioned speedy delivery. “We can get product in your hands in eight weeks rather than 16. We’re flexible and we build everything here, so we can modify on the fly for minimal changes to schedule if needed.” On the topic of quality, James says Metro Glass’ product compares especially favourably to most US products, which are purposefully made cheap to save costs. “Our material here is very high end. We’re breaking new ground – mainly because we have to, due to our environment. We sell a very JULY 2024