The Construction Source

Loving the challenge Currently, Fireside Design Build is finishing up a series of restaurant projects that have kept them busy throughout the pandemic. Surprisingly, restaurants and bars have actually comprised a majority of their work over the last few years. In Winnipeg, Jaclyn says “not a lot of restaurants closed and a lot were opening.” “We got a huge surge of purple wanting to own a restaurant, so we were working on quite a few during the pandemic. That might not have been the case elsewhere in the country, but it was the case for us. That’s kind of what kept us going.” In recent years, Fireside has completed restaurants and bars of all shapes and sizes – some as small as 1,000 square feet, some as big as 6,000-to-8,000 square feet. At the same time, they have also continued doing residential projects, including some really large-scale new homes and renovations. They like working on those largeTHE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA