The Construction Source

level things, we really dive deep to be able to then extrapolate from that, but read between the lines and really deliver something unique. That takes a lot of time, but I think the end result is really worth it.” “And I think that really comes across – especially in a market that is heavily dominated by modernism. We do modernism as well, but we still make it warm and comfortable and layered as much as possible.” When it comes to restaurants and bars, in particular, Jaclyn says they go very deep with their clients in order to help create the right experience for their clients. They taste the food, for example, so they can better understand the story of their brand. They bring in graphic designers to help work on the menus – not just the look of them, but the feel of them too. They help with the website and marketing. They consider the ergonomics of the chairs. They extensively discuss the “energy” the client wants and how the acoustics and lighting can help facilitate it. “We really dial in on that,” she says. “I think the thing people often get wrong in restaurants is lighting and acoustics – but we like to say that’s our bread and butter.” When it comes to homes, Jaclyn says they also go deep with client and strive to create specific experiences – there’s just not that marketing component to consider. “With homes, I think a lot of interior designers typically will just say, ‘Here’s your floor plan. We’ll help you choose a couch size. Have fun, JULY 2024