The Construction Source

view, those project types are similar in that they revolve around kitchens, which they consider the “hearth” of a home or a building. “All our projects are really about connection,” she explains. “We like to create spaces where people come together – and usually people come together around food. That’s why we do a lot of bars and restaurants and why we don’t really do any boardrooms or medical facilities. And that’s why when we’re doing a home, whether it’s a brand new house or a full-gut renovation, the kitchen is always a key part of it.” In terms of value, Fireside’s projects typically start as $200,000 – with the post-pandemic cost of labour and materials, they can’t really do much for less – and can range all the way into the multimillions. Adam believes that clients with those higher-end projects tend to choose Fireside for two main reasons. The first reason is their “very strong visual portfolio.” “The calibre of our design work, especially in our market, is exceptionally high. We tend to make a more traditional, more eclectic, more colourful, more layered design approach. And that’s not directed by us. That’s often directed by the people that come to us. We’re very client driven.” “We look at our designs experientially,” he elaborates. “We spend a lot of time getting to know a homeowner or a client to really understand the narrative that they’re going for. What’s the story they’re trying to tell? What is the outcome of the experiences that you’re trying to craft? We get a lot of information on that regard. Instead of just asking about materials and colors and surface THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA