The Construction Source

Fireside Design Build is a comprehensive designand-build studio based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, specializing in home renovation, new home projects, and immersive hospitality spaces. They provide clients with a complete start-tofinish service offering, starting with design and costing and continuing seamlessly all the way through to construction and delivery. Along the way, they strive to design and realize spaces that are “meaningful, memorable, and timeless” – according to partners Adam Bumbolo and Jaclyn Wiebe, “these are concepts that are vital to our brand and to our story.” “We believe good design extends beyond the physical elements of a space,” Jaclyn says. “Good design has the power to influence our behaviours, relationships, and quality of life. This inspiration led us to prioritize creating inviting personal spaces no matter the scale or scope of the project, extending from family homes to restaurants and bars.” “And no matter the challenge, we perpetually ground ourselves on the foundation of bringing the basics of quality and craftsmanship to all,” Adam adds. “We’re resolved that quality should be a right and not a privilege; we endeavour to do our part to augment the quality of life on all scales in any way we can.” Adam personally brings decades of experience in design and construction to his role. His commitment to the holistic model of design-build is informed by his experience as a carpenter, an artist, a filmmaker, and a writer. Jaclyn, meanwhile, has been designing professionally since 2005, when she graduated with her bachelor’s degree from the faculty of Architecture at University of Manitoba. Along with design, she has extensive experience in JULY 2024