The Construction Source

awkward almost-mini-hallway walking into the bedroom, essentially because you have to go the length of the closet. And then where do you put the TV? Where do you put the dresser? You’re really limited on the space.” “So what we ended up doing, which is kind of unique, is we put the closets behind the headboards, essentially, of the master bed,” he continues. “And we have kind of almost a ‘his-andher’ closet. So the couple doesn’t have to share. And they’re still walk-in closets, but they utilize the space really well.” The doors to those closets are pocket doors – which Michael really likes in general, because “I feel like the typical swing door isn’t necessary. It takes up a lot of space. I think that space be better utilized.” For functionality reasons, they also connected the ensuites and the laundry room, and the laundry room to the common area. “So if you’re in the master bedroom, you can walk into your ensuite and then walk right to the laundry room through the ensuite,” Michael explains. “There’s also a doorway to the laundry room from the common area. What that does is save people from having to walk. That increases functionality. It makes things really easy for the residents. If you get out of the shower and you have wet towels, you can just throw them in the hamper right in the laundry room. You don’t even have to take two steps and you can toss them in there. So again, you know, think of our demographic. We want to try and minimize the amount of unnecessary steps.” Functionality is “a major area of focus of ours,” Michael sums up. Other major areas of focus include incorporating energy efficiency and supporting local business. Both of those focuses relate back to the company’s founding mission of bettering the communities they work in. On the latter focus, Michael says that “as much as possible, we try to work with people from the local area.” “That way the money we spend gets re-injected into the community. That’s important to us. We’re not bringing in our own people from other provinces. We really like to support the area that we’re working within.” JULY 2024