The Construction Source

“What would we want in the living room? What would we want in the kitchen? What would we want it to look like? How would we want it to be laid out?” “We’re very, very-specific in how we want these buildings to look and feel,” she adds. “The architect will send us a design and we’ll go over it a hundred times until it’s perfect. We’re very discerning in that sense. I think that’s what sets our buildings apart.” Progressive Real Estate Group is also very discerning when it comes to material selection. Geoff believes that also sets their buildings apart, and he cites their choice of internal doors as an example of that: “We could buy a hollow-core flimsy door, but then the first tenant that gets angry and punches it will put a hole through it, and then we have to take the door off, re-hang a new door, paint it, et cetera. That will lend up costing us more down the road in terms of maintenance and downtime. So instead we select solid-core doors. They are three-times the cost up-front, but the first tenant that gets mad and punches the door will damage their hand more than the door.” “And there are other benefits,” he adds. “Solidcore doors better quality, they look better, they’re better for sound. So that’s a very simple example of how we invest in quality and how we’re pretty picky when it comes to the things we’re putting in our units.” When selecting materials, Kate adds that they also prioritize sustainability. She points out that all of their buildings are built above basic energy JULY 2024