The Construction Source

fourplex – “which went pretty well,” Geoff recalls. In the years since, Progressive Real Estate Group has progressed into building bigger and bigger projects. From that initial fourplex, they progressed into building an eight-unit project, then a 15-unit project, then a 20-unit project, then a 40-unit project – and today they build phased developments that can be anywhere from 40 units to over-200 units. Though their capabilities have evolves, the company also still does smaller projects. In terms of size and scope, Geoff says they now “do a little bit of everything.” “Our typical project, the kind we like to build, would be a four-to-six storey wood-frame multifamily building with 40-to-60 units,” he explains. “That’s our core business, but we’re not afraid to try new things.” Currently, for example, Progressive Real Estate Group is building 11 single-family homes within one community – a “mini-subdivision”, they call it. They are also doing a 17-unit walk-up building for a third-party developer – to date, they have mostly built for themselves, but they are now branching out and doing some construction management for others. Furthermore, in the past, they have done some mixed-use developments with commercial space, usually on the main floor. Regardless of the unit mix, most of the company’s developments are infill, meaning they take place in existing communities on previously unused or underutilized land. According to Geoff, “that comes with its own host of challenges and excitements,” but Progressive Real Estate Group is experienced at navigating those challenges and delivering some “really nice apartment buildings.” JULY 2024