The Construction Source

Transport, they have worked on facilities all across Canada – from Montreal to Vancouver all the way up to the North West Territories. “We find once we start working with a customer and they like what we do, they invite us to work on their other facilities,” says Bob. According to Bob, clients such as Manitoulin Transport and Magna initially approach Nexstar with the objective of upgrading their lighting systems to save energy. That’s usually their main priority. “We always approach a project with the point of view that you’re improving productivity in the plant. Federal and provincial funding cannot be given to manufacturing facilities due to the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, but funding improvements to save energy is an exempt category. Utilities help save energy and improve productivity which results in more employment, better work environment, growth and expansion.” Other clients approach Nexstar not only to save energy, but also to improve productivity – which is actually very much related, Bob explains. There have been studies showing that if people are working in a better environment, their productivity goes up. It’s also been proven that better lighting can lead to an an improvement to health and safety – which is another strong motivator for clients to improve their lighting systems. So there are a lot of reasons clients are interested in having their lighting audited and potentially redesigned. According to Bob, the reasons those clients choose Nexstar specifically is because of their customer service. As he puts it, it’s not just about “connecting the wires right, it’s also how you interact with the customer.” As evidence of their superior customer service, Bob points to their long-term relationships with THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA