The Construction Source

Steady growth and a vision of giving back Currently, Hamilton Fine Homebuilding is in the early stages of work on an 86-townhome project soon in West Sechelt. Clark cites that project as a strong example of what they are capable of, and also an example of how they embrace innovation. “We’re delving into a company called Hydraloop, which has advanced technology in terms of secondary waste water treatment and the re-use of grey water,” he says. Developed in the Netherlands, that system takes grey water and purifies it and re-uses it for irrigation, clothes washing, and sanitary waste water. “It’s an interesting concept because we’re seeing water shortages here now,” says Clark. “If we’re able to introduce these duplicate water systems, it’s a sure way of conserving water and getting the most use out of it. It’s not that expensive. JULY 2024