The Construction Source

chance to join in, but not all of them were meant to stay and have moved on to other careers, some of which complement the construction business. So we sometimes do business together.” James is now the company’s General Manager and two of the other boys are involved as well. Another one builds and sells spec homes. James agrees that Hamilton Fine Homebuilding has evolved since he came on board 16 years ago. “We’ve grown in size and in what we take on,” he says. “When I started we only took on maybe three projects at a time – around $3 million in sales. In 2022 we managed about $12 million in sales, building up to 15 homes at any one time.” It’s not all about the bottom line for Clark and James, however. “I look at projects that are rewarding,” says Clark. “We like to give back to the community. Not everyone can afford expensive houses. I was a founding member of our Rotary club and was President of the Coast Community Builders Association for seven years. We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished in the community. Word travels that we are willing to help out and give here and there.” Clark is still involved, helping out and giving back and he’s taught his kids the same ethic. That community involvement, in addition to being important to Clark personally, also helps the company to get their name out there. That’s valuable, James explains, because clients prefer to work with companies they have been referred to personally and who can be trusted. Clients also value companies with longevity and THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA