The Construction Source

Slowly, organically, the company grew, with Don as James’ mentor and partner. To this day, Don is still a major shareholder and director in the company and sits in on strategy sessions. Since James has been there, Johnston Builders has worked in a variety of sectors. They started in the energy sector but had to diversify over time as the market fluctuated. “Whenever the Alberta oil boom went bust, we’d transition to grocery stores and hotels until the energy sector came back,” James explains. “Being young, I appreciated the versatility of what we did and I did a lot of learning over those years.” The company’s entrance into the Yukon began in 2015 when Don Johnston won a bid to construct a Home Hardware store in the province. “We performed well and it went from there,” says James. “We opened a second office in Whitehorse in 2019 and it’s been really busy since then. We’ve found a niche in working remote locations.” This proved to be a blessing for the company during the COVID lockdown of 2020. “With restrictions on flying and having to quarantine, it would have been a nightmare with the amount of work we had if we didn’t have the office in the Yukon,” says James. Today, no matter where they are working, what sets Johnston Builders apart is the calibre of their team. According to James, the company has invested heavily in recent years into recruiting and retaining a staff of high-performers who understand and abide by the company’s values. THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA