quality, in turn, to several cascading factors, starting with the material selection: “We try to only use top-tier building products,” Kevin explains. “That’s the first layer. For example, we use wood web floor joists – in my opinion, that’s the best type of floor system you can have in a house. It allows you to run your ductwork through the floor system, your plumbing through the floor system, and your electrical through the floor system. That essentially eliminates bulkheads, allowing you to have your full free span ceilings on every floor.” “So we use wood web floor systems as a standard in all of our homes,” he adds. “With a lot of other builders, you’ll see dimensional lumber or potentially I-joists. But using wood web floors makes things a lot easier for the trades and at the end of the day leads to a much nicer product.” Another thing Daerwood Homes does as a standard is install nine-foot ceilings in their basements and main floors. A lot of builders go with eight feet, but that extra foot means extra headroom and in a basement setting “it makes you feel like you’re not in a basement.” Similarly, Daerwood’s windows are also larger as a standard. “We do a lot of little things differently,” Kevin says. “When you add them all up, I think they really set us apart from the rest.” Beyond selecting the right products, Daerwood Homes also ensures they have the right supervisors on site every day – that’s also a key part of ensuring quality. Kevin has been working with another project manager since almost the start of Daerwood Homes, and he says that either himself THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA