The False Creek Co-operative Housing Association (FCCHA) is an organization providing affordable housing at a prime location around Charleson Park, in the False Creek South neighborhood in the City of Vancouver, British Columbia. Since forming almost 40 years ago with the motto of “people helping people,” their vision has been to create an inclusive, respectful community that is economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable. To achieve that vision, they have used multiple tactics: they have operated with a unique selfsubsidy model where higher income members contribute to a subsidy pool to support lower income members; they have formed collaborative relationships with financial institutions and service providers; and they have invested in multiple phases of building remediation – including an upcoming fourth phase, which will be project managed by C3 Alliance Corp. The FCCHA was formally established in 1974 in Vancouver as a non-profit housing organization with a mission to build non-profit housing and create a self-subsidy mixed income thriving democratic community. Housing coops are incorporated under provincial legislation. Unlike other business corporations, housing co-ops and other types of co-operatives (such as credit unions) share a set of seven international coop principles: voluntary and open membership, democratic member control, member economic participation, autonomy and independence, education, training and information, cooperation among cooperatives, and concern for community. The FCCHA was built near the beginning of the investment period by the federal government to stimulate coop housing development with a target to create more affordable housing for lower and moderate income individuals and families. At JANUARY 2024