The Construction Source

expenditures for businesses – which therefore prevents the cost of their services going up and the community spending more money.” “That’s really the zoomed our approach we take,” Cam summarizes. “We don’t just do seal coating. We don’t just do snow removal. We don’t just do line painting. We improve communities.” When it comes to their preventative maintenance services, however, Cam admits that it can be challenging to sell to clients, as it involves convincing them that there’s value in spending money that they have never spent before. It takes a “lot of consistent marketing and consistent explaining.” “There’s absolutely an educational barrier, and it’s pretty steep,” Cam says. “In this market, in Prince George, commercial seal coating is very rarely performed. It’s not like line painting – you know, if you can’t see your parking lines, you quite obviously need to hire someone to paint them. But if you’ve never seal coated your parking lot, there’s an educational gap that you need to bridge. But if we’re able to sit down with clients, ask them some questions, and understand their perspective, we’ve found that the response is quite positive.” Cam credits that positivity not only to the merits of seal coating as a service – of which there are many, and their data shows that – but also to the specific “relationship-based approach” of Laser Pavement Solutions. “We don’t approach clients looking to make a transaction,” Cam says. “We approach them DECEMBER 2024