The Construction Source

Pushing the boundaries As a recent example of what V2R Group is capable of, Josh and Jesse point to their ongoing transforming of the former Cooper Canada sporting goods factory at 501 Alliance Avenue. That project has involved completely gutting and renovating all floors of a 380,000-square-foot facility while targeting LEED Platinum certification. The finished product will have new window openings throughout, new elevators, a front entrance atrium, new stairwells, as well as all new offices. In terms of green initiatives, major features of the project include: geothermal HVAC; a 300 KW solar farm on the roof; a high SRI roof made from locally-crushed, white marble; high level of insulation to roof and walls; low consumption lighting and electrical design throughout; and heated sidewalks and parking areas utilizing excess heat through geothermal energy. In the future, there also plans to add a storm water harvesting and retention system that filters and uses the water to do things like flush toilets. THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA