The Construction Source

“I believe that this desire to make winners on all sides has significantly helped us maintain these strong relationships,” he says. “We look forward to what the future brings with many of these talented and knowledgeable groups.” Recently, Penn-co’s home province of Manitoba has embarked on a significant healthcare initiative. Penn-co has earned the opportunity to be the Construction Managers on two of the major projects relating to that initiative: the Boundary Trails Health Care Expansion, and the Bethesda Hospital Expansion. Hudon says they are proud of all the projects they do, but those are particularly exciting because of the opportunity to showcase their expertise in construction management and healthcare work. “Both projects are complicated with multiple additions and extensive renovations to the existing facilities,” he says. “However, after over a year of pre-construction, we are seeing both projects advance quickly. We’re seeing the fruits of our labour in the planning stages paying off.” “It’s always very gratifying when we pull off a seeminglyimpossible schedule,” adds Bickerton. “It gives us a lot of pride when our groups band together to ‘build the impossible.’ That always leaves us hungry for the next opportunity.” Moving forward, Penn-co Construction is highly motivated to tackle whatever challenges and opportunities next arise. Hudon says that motivation is what makes the company exciting to be a part of: “Dan Reimer is one of those owners that is always interested in a new challenge and seeing growth in the company, which leads to new and exciting opportunities for us around every corner,” he says. “Our recent explosive growth in the southern markets along with the far north is a testament to that THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA